Listed below are extracts from the book with statements of faith. But not using words like a preacher would. Here they occur in ordinary conversation, usually between two or more struggling teenagers. Click Read more... to see any additional information. Use the Search box in the sidebar. E.g. Entering forgiveness will bring every post containing this word.
Her prayers were not well-formed—words just flowed from her. All she could do was ask God to help...
...the Bible has several examples where people have had visions or dreams that definitely came from God...
I'm sure, if we do it caringly, we'll both get more comfortable about sharing things that initially we might not want to. But that's how a relationship grows. Just how it works with God.’ St. Paul says in the book of Ephesians, absolutely everything that happens on this earth is for a purpose that fits God's plan... God never makes mistakes, and nothing thwarts what he wants to happen. The Bible tells us that God is good in many places, and therefore his plans must be too.
Second Corinthians Chapter 9. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
While it [ the Bible ] doesn't mention pornography, what goes with it—lust—is identified clearly as a sin.
As with any other sin, God is there to help... But breaking the habit is very difficult by just by telling yourself not to. First off, you need to ask God for help. That’s important. Then, throw away pornographic material and avoid looking at sexy pictures, films, or anything that stimulates lust. This is one of the sins you run away from. Further help can come from sharing the problem with someone to encourage you when you resist and pick you up when you fail... having a friend you trust, preferably a Christian, who you can talk to about this is very important.
The story made Peter laugh, and just when Janet had hoped they could talk about other bits of the book, he asked if Satan really existed. With a silent sigh, Janet explained that the devil is a real force. Once an angel who thought himself better than God, he broke ranks and opposed everything God did. Causing pain and misery in what would have been a perfect world.
‘Was he that snake thing?’ Peter asked.
‘Yes, the serpent in the Garden of Eden who persuaded Adam and Eve, our ancestors, to do the worst thing they could. Try and obtain wisdom that would make them equal to God. That was when wrong, or sin as the Bible puts it, came into our world, and we've all suffered the consequences ever since.’
Sometimes, God teaches us in strange ways, and they're often not ones we would choose comes down to making sure you listen to God, not the world. But that often takes courage and exposes you to ridicule
Romans Chapter 1 verse 26 makes it clear that intimacy between women is forbidden. I know it by heart—God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
Gods' rules, hard though they may be at times, are right. You don't have sex until you're married, marriage is between a man and a woman, and the only thing that makes either of you free to find another partner is when one dies. Until death do us part is what the marriage service says, and I think that's precisely what God intends